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Crystal Neri | marketing Archives - Crystal Neri

Things I Like About JFDI

What’s been keeping me busy these days is my new job as Social Media and Content Marketing Manager at JFDI Asia. In short, I handle our socials and make sure we have awesome content. How I am today – giddy and challenged and fulfilled – is a far cry from what I’ve been the past 

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How I Learn By Samm McAlear

THIS SERIES IS ABOUT PEOPLE I admire answering the question: “How Do You Learn?” According to the dictionary:  learn (verb) means to gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, experience, or being taught. I want, and hopefully my readers as well, to pick up lessons from individuals who are happy, socially responsible and uniquely successful.  I started off by answering this 

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How I Learn By Jovi Neri

THIS SERIES IS ABOUT PEOPLE I admire answering the question: “How Do You Learn?” According to the dictionary:  learn (verb) means to gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, experience, or being taught. I want, and hopefully my readers as well, to pick up lessons from individuals who are happy, socially responsible and uniquely successful.  I started off by 

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How I Learn by Crystal Neri

We all have unique beliefs and ways to gather news and information. Lifehacker has a series called, “How I Work“; Oprah is known for her “What I Know For Sure“; and Bianca Gonzales writes for Philstar for “10 Things.”   So if you met the person you admire, the best thing to tell them is: “I’m a 

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A 23-Year Old Finding Work

It’s no surprise that you’ll constantly find articles arguing if a college degree is still even relevant.  In the US, the unemployment rate is 12.2 % for 20-24 year-olds. 33% of those who work in jobs that don’t need a college degree. According to Time, there are two things stacked against Millenials: 1. An increasingly unstable Earth to raise our families 

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