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Crystal Neri | VIDEO: 1-minute vacation in Seoul, South Korea - Crystal Neri
things to see and do in seoul south korea

VIDEO: 1-minute vacation in Seoul, South Korea

VIDEO: Things to see and do in Seoul, South Korea

things to see and do in seoul south korea

At the end of 5 days, I had cuts on my feet and a strained leg muscle from walking too much. 5 days to see Seoul is really not enough. I loved their subways, the pleasant 8-degree weather, and now I think I might have been Korean in my past life because the food is just a home run for me.

Here are the highlights of our trip: Changdeukgung and Changgyeogung Palace, DMZ (Border North Korea), Cheonggyecheon stream, National Museum of Korea, Myeongdong, Namdaemun Market, N Seoul Tower & Gangnam. This is the video but stay tuned for a long blog post.


crystal neri head shotCrystal Neri is a freelance writer who has worked across media platforms in places as diverse as US, Singapore, and Australia. She lives in Cebu City where she covers travel and entrepreneurship at crystalneri.com. Say Hi to her (@nericrystal) on Twitter and Instagram. Subscribe to her newsletter:

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